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Papers/Reports | April 11, 2014

AIDSRelief Tanzania Final Report

Providing Treatment, Restoring Hope

From 2004 to 2012, AIDSRelief Tanzania provided HIV care and treatment to 165,488 patients, including 85,673 who enrolled on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at 102 treatment sites. Consortium members Catholic Relief Services, University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute of Human Virology, Futures Group, and IMA World Health provided technical and program support based on their core capacities. A deep commitment to partnership underscored AIDSRelief’s relationships and capacity strengthening activities, which culminated in late 2011 when the US government issued simultaneous follow on awards to AIDSRelief and its local partner, the Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC). Through the five-year LEAD project, AIDSRelief consortium members will incrementally transfer responsibility for the care and treatment program to CSSC. This report outlines key outcomes and lessons learned during the eight-year AIDSRelief program. It also describes approaches and methods that contributed to the program’s success.