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Guidelines | April 1, 2015

Guidance on Refresher Training for the Use of the Films "Out of the Shadows" and "Red Top, Blue Top"

This publication is intended to provide guidance to individuals and organizations conducting refresher training for animators who have been using the films Out of the Shadows and Red Top, Blue Top, which were created in partnership between No Strings International and Catholic Relief Services. The films aim to support the emotional and social resilience of children affected by conflict in the Middle East. Since the creation of the films in 2013, a cohort of implementers have trained animators in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan on their use. This Guidance on Refresher Training is an attempt to synthesize and systematize the way trainings are conducted throughout the region. The training focuses on feedback and reflection from the animators’ use of the methodology as well as a review of key techniques.

The training guidance includes key components needed for a successful refresher training on the use of these films. It is not prescriptive, and should be adapted as appropriate to each context. The Guidance includes both a one-day agenda, suitable for refresher training on one of the films, and a two-day agenda, suitable for refresher training on both films. The guidance is organized as follows:

  • Preparation: A brief outline to help the trainer prepare to conduct the refresher training.
  • Agenda: Two sample agendas (one-day and two-day) that can be adapted as necessary based on context.
  • Modules 1-4: The modules as included in the guidance are meant for the two-day training. Guidance is provided in the Agenda on what to cut out for a shorter training.

The Guidance on Refresher Training builds on existing resources, namely the comprehensive Facilitator’s Guide and Training Manual published by No Strings International and CRS, and Standards and Guidance for the Use of the Films "Out of the Shadows" and "Red Top, Blue Top", published by CRS. Trainers should make these publications available to animators during and after the training. The Guidance on Refresher Training is complemented by Guidance for Training Animators on the Use of the Films "Out of the Shadows" and "Red Top, Blue Top". The Guidance on Refresher Training should be used up to six months after the initial training and rollout of implementation of the methodology. For more information on the films, please email [email protected]


  • Introduction

  • Preparation

  • Agenda

  • Module 1 – Feedback and Learning from Use of Methodology

  • Module 2 – Key Messages of the Films

  • Module 3 – Puppetry Techniques

  • Module 4 – Review of Key Elements of Film Methodology