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Papers/Reports | August 22, 2011

Project ABC in Niger

Using mobile phones for adult education

This report provides the results of an evaluation of a CRS adult education program and a mobile phone-based adult education pilot program in Niger. The study found that students in the villages where the pilot project was carried out used mobile phones more frequently and in more “active” ways, particularly by making calls and writing texts, which require more advanced letter and number recognition than for simply receiving calls. Students also had higher math scores after the program was over. For more information about the ABC Project (Projet Alphabétisation de Base par Cellulaire), read this article based on a study published in the American Economic Journal in October 2012. 



  • Executive Summary

  • I. Project Background

  • II. Implementation

  • III. Data

  • IV. Did the Adult Education Program and Project ABC Improve Adult Learning?

  • V. Did the Literacy and ABC Program Have an Impact upon Other Outcomes?

  • VI. How Did the ABC Program Affect Village Membership and Mobile Phone Usage?

  • VII. Conclusion/Final Summary