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Tool Kits | June 6, 2016

Early Childhood Development Curriculum

This six-part series of manuals is intended to strengthen the technical capacity of women religious and congregations in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia that are involved in Early Childhood Development (ECD). The curriculum was created within the CRS-led project called “Strengthening the Capacity of Women Religious in Early Childhood Development”, or “SCORE-ECD”, funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. 

This curriculum is intended for use with children ages 0-5. It is tailored to the needs of ECD service providers, especially congregations, and includes case studies based on sisters’ experiences. The curriculum consists of six ECD resource guides for sisters and congregations, with corresponding guides for the facilitators who carry out the training. It also has a pre-posttest document for gauging the knowledge and skills of trainees before and after the sessions. The curriculum covers: