Media CenterCRS Staff Defend and Protect Human Life and Dignity

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In its most recent article criticizing Catholic Relief Services and our staff, LifeSite News says the people who work for CRS should do more than “simply not oppose Church teaching.” We would like to emphatically state that our employees, who work with the poorest of the poor alongside our Catholic partners in some of the most remote and challenging places in the world, do far more than “not oppose” the beliefs and teachings of the Church.

CRS staff defend and protect human life and human dignity every time they help feed hungry families and respond to human suffering, as well as when they promote natural family planning and abstinence and fidelity in our HIV and AIDS programming.

Our mission is to protect the dignity of life from conception until its natural end. Our pro-life work includes getting expectant mothers better pre-natal care, feeding malnourished young children, improving access to fresh water and sanitation to prevent deadly water-borne diseases, as well as helping the terminally ill die with dignity.  In all our work we seek to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life. We would do nothing to endanger that.

August 29, 2012