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Case Studies | November 14, 2011

Extractives and Equity

An Introductory Overview and Case Studies from Peru, Angola and Nigeria

This publication provides an overview of extractive industries. It discusses common economic, governance, environmental and public health implications of poorly managed extractive industries at the local and national levels as well as their links with conflict. The case studies describe the programmatic responses by CRS, the Church and other partners to address these factors and improve equity in Peru, Angola and Nigeria.

Promoting equity has been a pillar of CRS’ Justice and Peacebuilding strategy. This is because sustainable peace requires a foundation of justice. Working on conflicts associated with extractive industries has become a priority. The challenges related to oil, gas, smelting and mining operations are critical and growing ever more complex.


  • Foreword and Acknowledgments
  • Acronyms
  • Extractive Industries and Equity
  • Peru: Environmental Health as an Equity Issue
  • Angola: Can Oil and Diamonds Serve the Common Good?
  • Nigeria: Increasing Equity in Oil Communities