Media CenterImpact Investing Conference: An Overview in Tweets and Photos

Photo by Remo Casilli for CRS

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The 2016 Impact Investing conference at the Vatican came to a close yesterday, and generated a large amount of conversation, not only at the conference, but also on social media. Pope Francis mentioned the conference in his Angelus message in St. Peter's Square this morning, stating that private investments, together with public ones, can help overcome the poverty of so many marginalized people.

For more great quotes, photos and thoughts from the conference, view a collection of media articles about the conference.

Melissa Stevens

Social Media Strategist

Melissa Stevens
June 29, 2016

Based in Baltimore, MD

As Catholic Relief Services’ Social Media Strategist, Melissa Stevens oversees the strategic direction of the organization’s social media channels. She works with all aspects of the organization to effectively tell their story through social media and reach the right audiences.

Melissa has more than 8 years of...More