Media CenterLeading Humanitarian Organizations Join Forces Against Cuts to Foreign Assistance

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Today Catholic Relief Services and a group of 10 other leading humanitarian, development and global health organizations released a statement expressing deep concern with the Administration's FY2018 International Affairs budget request, which proposes slashing effective, life-saving accounts that help create a safer and more secure world. Catholic Relief Services and the other 10 organizations urge Congress to continue to ensure U.S. leadership, reject any proposed cuts to these vital programs, and fight against removing tools from our foreign policy toolkit when even more is needed. We call on Congress to support no less than $60 billion for the International Affairs Budget in FY2018.

Read the full statement from Catholic Relief Services and others

Jim Stipe

Digital and Social Media Manager

Jim Stipe
May 22, 2017

Based in Baltimore, MD

As the digital and social media manager, Jim oversees Catholic Relief Services’ social media channels, shoots photos and video, and uses digital and visual tools for creative storytelling. He also manages the CRS Newswire, which provides a range of information related to poverty and development....More