Media CenterPope Francis Meets with Experts on Impact Investing for the Poor

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Yesterday, Pope Francis met with experts during a two-day symposium in Rome on impact investing, investments made with the intention to achieve a measurable social and environmental impact alongside a fair financial return. Catholic News Service reports from Rome:

The pope called on governments to create an investment market that has a positive impact on people's lives and to combat "an economy which excludes and discards" others. ...

"It is important that ethics once again play its due part in the world of finance and that markets serve the interests of peoples and the common good of humanity," the pope said. "It is increasingly intolerable that financial markets are shaping the destiny of peoples rather than serving their needs, or that the few derive immense wealth from financial speculation while the many are deeply burdened by the consequences."

Read the full article on Catholic News Service. 

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Tags: Vatican
Melissa Stevens

Social Media Strategist

Melissa Stevens
June 17, 2014

Based in Baltimore, MD

As Catholic Relief Services’ Social Media Strategist, Melissa Stevens oversees the strategic direction of the organization’s social media channels. She works with all aspects of the organization to effectively tell their story through social media and reach the right audiences.

Melissa has more than 8 years of...More