Prayer candles at Sacred Heart Of Jesus Church in Highlandtown, Baltimore.

Our Current Prayer

Photo by Phillip Laubner/CRS

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Make a Positive Impact

A husband and wife cut and transport grass to their residence in order to provide sustenance for their cattle.

Photo by Nripendra Khatri/CRS.

Dear God,

Grant us the wisdom to seek more than simple answers,
to build meaningful connections beyond the surface,
and to find you in the depths of our hearts.
Inspire us with a passion for justice, a heart for equality,
and the courage to act against injustice, oppression,
and exploitation of your children.
Bless us with compassion for those enduring
suffering, rejection, hunger and conflict,
so we may extend our hands in comfort
and transform their sorrow into joy.
And endow us with the belief in our ability to enact change,
to accomplish what some may deem impossible,
and to make a positive impact in Your world.


"In prayer, God keeps calling us, opening our hearts to charity."

— Pope Francis

Light a Virtual Votive

Light a candle and say a prayer for your loved ones and our brothers and sisters around the world. Your intentions will be remembered at Mass offered by priests who are part of the Catholic Relief Services' Global Fellows program.

As Catholics, we recognize that prayer is of the utmost importance. In our mission to act with the Church to serve people around the world, we begin with prayer.
