CRS Global Results

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We don’t just work toward outcomes at scale. We measure them.

Working to uphold dignity and transform lives on a global scale requires new ways of measuring and reporting the outcomes of our work and our influence as leaders and partners in the development community. CRS Global Results is how we measure and track this impact.

Bold Goals. Greater Accountability.

Measuring the results of our work around the world adds a level of accountability and transparency to how we are helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals that guide us. Watch the video to see our 2023 Global Results.

Tracking Progress. Proving Impact.

CRS has established global indicators and targets for our priority outcomes. Our staff and our partners capture and report our direct impact as well as the influenced impact on programs worldwide.

Complex Challenges, Diverse Solutions

Saving lives, improving child nutrition, enabling access to clean water, restoring degraded land, increasing agricultural productivity, strengthening partners, influencing policies. That’s how we measure success.


To hold ourselves accountable to ourselves and the people we serve, CRS highlights our priority outcome targets and achievements across our 5 Strategic Goal Areas until 2030.

About CRS Global Results

CRS Global Results helps illustrate how effective our work is through the programs we create and help implement, alongside each partner organization we strengthen, and within each geographic region we serve. We are committed to transparently documenting bold work and even bolder results.


We incorporate the Global Results we plan to achieve into project design. Focusing on end results at the outset enables us to measure – and achieve – metrics of individual lives changed, capacities strengthened, and policies influenced. Tangible outcomes help everyone fulfill their God-given potential as we create a better world for all.