Restoring Peace and Stability in Haiti: Policy Recommendations for the GFA

The Global Fragility Act (GFA) presents a fresh opportunity for the United States government to rethink its basic assumptions, strategies, and implementation efforts around global conflict prevention and stability. The GFA implementation strategy for Haiti should focus on repairing existing cracks in society that allow gangs to continue their scourge, empowering communities to uplift and protect marginalized groups, and strengthening governance at the local and national levels. The following recommendations lay out a roadmap for how this can be undertaken: 

  • Work at both community and national level
  • Create systems and structures to enable positive opportunities for youth
    • Invest in education and sustainable employment opportunities for youth
    • Invest directly in social cohesion programming, both at the vertical and horizontal levels
    • Invest in helping Haiti to tackle mis- and disinformation
  • Put transparency first

Published October 2022